Sader, Alyssa MD

Sader, Alyssa MD

Dr. Sader joined the Family Medicine Department at NBMC in 2019.  She attended the University of Alberta (Canada) where she received an honors degree in Immunology and Infection.  She then spent a year in Montreal at the University of McGill where she received a certificate in French Language and Culture.  She went on to Saba University, School of Medicine to earn her Medical Degree, as well as a Master of Science in Hyperbaric Medicine.  Finally, she completed her Family Medicine Residency Program through Columbia at Stamford, Connecticut in June, 2018.  She has a strong interest in wound care and hyperbaric medicine.

Dr. Sader and her husband Brandon have two children.  In her spare time, she enjoys yoga, long distance running, pottery, cooking and reading.

Contact Info:
1900 Woodland Drive
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Phone: 541-267-5151, Ext. 1338